Well that's new...

It has been three weeks since my last color and at this point I am normally fretting over the sparkle of gray becoming more apparent around my face and part line. My journey to the store for a box of color or in recent times to see Gunner for a touch up would consume my evening or weekend. In stark contrast I spent my brief weekend between business trips with my husband and family,  even having time to spend with a few friends. Who new how much time I was spending keeping up the appearance of youthful hair - what a new and  freeing feeling it is to not worry about my hair color.

My "new" color has opened interesting conversations amongst me and my friends or even new acquaintances. The ladies I talk to one after the other share feeling of the conflict between accepting ourselves in our natural state and the feeling that we don't look our best that way.  I do not know where that perception has come from but it seems to be pervasive with so many people I talk to.   I personally feel my hair looks great but I have caught a glimpse in a mirror and still felt a bit off guard by the gray hair. The thoughts of what do others think and will this impact me at work by looking older when compared to someone with more youthful looking hair still plays in the back of my mind. My male friends who are not compelled to spend time hiding their gray hair agree there seems to be a double standard but also seem very much indifferent to a woman's hair color when considering her attractiveness or her ability to achieve at work.  Is that really what others think? Does the color really not make a difference, is it just a great cut and confidence?  It would be great to think that it does not matter like I thought it did.  To be able to freely choose to go natural or to continue to color and not be judged as old or less viable would be great.  Embracing our gray and looking great too?  (*!). Now that would be new.